“Someone Pulled Out in Front of Me and Stopped. I Slammed Into Him With my Child in the Car.”
Hamilton Wingo is a firm of passion and values with a complete commitment to our clients and communities. We are honored by the relationships we build with those we represent. Ms. James shares her story of being involved in a car wreck. "So I was driving down ... It was a semi-residential road, where there's [...]

“Someone Pulled Out in Front of Me and Stopped. I Slammed Into Him With my Child in the Car.”
Hamilton Wingo is a firm of passion and values with a complete commitment to our clients and communities. We are honored by the relationships we build with those we represent. Ms. James shares her story of being involved in a car wreck. "So I was driving down ... It was a semi-residential road, where there's [...]
Hamilton Wingo is a firm of passion and values with a complete commitment to our clients and communities. We are honored by the relationships we build with those we represent. Ms. James shares her story of being involved in a car wreck.
“So I was driving down … It was a semi-residential road, where there’s businesses, but you’re right there by houses, and this guy pulls out of a Kroger and just kind of stopped in the middle of the road. I saw him, so I started braking, but I didn’t realize he wasn’t going to move anymore. So then I ended up skidding 20 feet, and my child was asleep in the car. She didn’t wake up, thankfully, but I completely just totaled the front end of my car and broke my wrist. Then he didn’t really seem to know what was going on. So I don’t know if he was in his right mind. But yeah, that’s what happened. It was awful.
So I had a friend come get me all the way from Dallas, and we went back to his place that night afterward after everything was said and done. He just started researching Dallas lawyers, insurance attorneys, and Hamilton Wingo had such great reviews and such high compliments. We were like, “There’s no question. Let’s use them.” He had some friends, actually, who confirmed that they had used them before and had a great experience. So that’s what we decided to do.
These things typically take a long time, anyways, but they actually handled it in much less time than I thought they were going to, to be honest. They were very quick to get back to me, very patient with me. I never felt like anything was sketchy or weird or slimy in any way. They were always very honorable people and very nice and professional.
So I am jumping for joy inside. I’m trying to contain my excitement, because not only has it just been a while of struggling with the quarantine but now I feel like I’m finally going to be able to be on my feet again, after everything that happened and losing my car and having to get another one and all of that. So yeah, it feels great. I’m so thankful. I’m really happy.”
Hamilton Wingo is a firm of passion and values with a complete commitment to our clients and communities. We are honored by the relationships we build with those we represent. Ms. James shares her story of being involved in a car wreck.
“So I was driving down … It was a semi-residential road, where there’s businesses, but you’re right there by houses, and this guy pulls out of a Kroger and just kind of stopped in the middle of the road. I saw him, so I started braking, but I didn’t realize he wasn’t going to move anymore. So then I ended up skidding 20 feet, and my child was asleep in the car. She didn’t wake up, thankfully, but I completely just totaled the front end of my car and broke my wrist. Then he didn’t really seem to know what was going on. So I don’t know if he was in his right mind. But yeah, that’s what happened. It was awful.
So I had a friend come get me all the way from Dallas, and we went back to his place that night afterward after everything was said and done. He just started researching Dallas lawyers, insurance attorneys, and Hamilton Wingo had such great reviews and such high compliments. We were like, “There’s no question. Let’s use them.” He had some friends, actually, who confirmed that they had used them before and had a great experience. So that’s what we decided to do.
These things typically take a long time, anyways, but they actually handled it in much less time than I thought they were going to, to be honest. They were very quick to get back to me, very patient with me. I never felt like anything was sketchy or weird or slimy in any way. They were always very honorable people and very nice and professional.
So I am jumping for joy inside. I’m trying to contain my excitement, because not only has it just been a while of struggling with the quarantine but now I feel like I’m finally going to be able to be on my feet again, after everything that happened and losing my car and having to get another one and all of that. So yeah, it feels great. I’m so thankful. I’m really happy.”