Dallas Crane Collapse: Advice from a Lawyer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcs_DwIRI40 As a Dallas resident, I was horrified to watch the tragic events unfold with the crane collapse. I've been getting a lot of questions on what people who are injured should do. If you were hurt by either debris or toxic fume inhalation: First Thing: You need to seek treatment. Your body and your health is by far the most important thing in the situation. Second: Document everything. Anyone who is talking to you from the apartments or any of the construction companies, anything. Document it and keep any of those communications to a minimum. Third: Do not sign any releases or take checks that say [...]

Dallas Crane Collapse: Advice from a Lawyer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcs_DwIRI40 As a Dallas resident, I was horrified to watch the tragic events unfold with the crane collapse. I've been getting a lot of questions on what people who are injured should do. If you were hurt by either debris or toxic fume inhalation: First Thing: You need to seek treatment. Your body and your health is by far the most important thing in the situation. Second: Document everything. Anyone who is talking to you from the apartments or any of the construction companies, anything. Document it and keep any of those communications to a minimum. Third: Do not sign any releases or take checks that say [...]
As a Dallas resident, I was horrified to watch the tragic events unfold with the crane collapse.
I’ve been getting a lot of questions on what people who are injured should do.
If you were hurt by either debris or toxic fume inhalation:
First Thing:
You need to seek treatment.
Your body and your health is by far the most important thing in the situation.
Document everything.
Anyone who is talking to you from the apartments or any of the construction companies, anything. Document it and keep any of those communications to a minimum.
Do not sign any releases or take checks that say “full and final payment” or “full and final release” on the check.
That could be a way that they could essentially in-run around any of the legitimate negotiation processes that should happen.
Seek legal counsel.
Injury attorneys don’t charge any fees upfront.
There are a number of good attorneys here in Dallas that are trying to help people in this situation. Find them, use their resources, and they can help you.
This has been a horrible event for Dallas, and Hamilton Wingo is here to try to help.
As a Dallas resident, I was horrified to watch the tragic events unfold with the crane collapse.
I’ve been getting a lot of questions on what people who are injured should do.
If you were hurt by either debris or toxic fume inhalation:
First Thing:
You need to seek treatment.
Your body and your health is by far the most important thing in the situation.
Document everything.
Anyone who is talking to you from the apartments or any of the construction companies, anything. Document it and keep any of those communications to a minimum.
Do not sign any releases or take checks that say “full and final payment” or “full and final release” on the check.
That could be a way that they could essentially in-run around any of the legitimate negotiation processes that should happen.
Seek legal counsel.
Injury attorneys don’t charge any fees upfront.
There are a number of good attorneys here in Dallas that are trying to help people in this situation. Find them, use their resources, and they can help you.
This has been a horrible event for Dallas, and Hamilton Wingo is here to try to help.