Chris Hamilton Discusses “Most Significant Verdict in Texas in the Last Decade”
Hamilton Wingo’s Chris Hamilton recently delivered a presentation for members of Dallas’ William “Mac” Taylor Inn of Court about winning a case the group describes as the “most significant verdict in Texas in the last decade.” The Mac Taylor Inn of Court is a member of the American Inns of Court, which is one of the nation’s largest groups dedicated to promoting the highest level of professionalism in the practice of law. In the program titled “How To, Whodunnit, and How to Avoid It,” Chris told attendees about his work leading to the $7.37 billion verdict in favor of Hamilton Wingo’s clients. The jury’s award was ranked as [...]

Chris Hamilton Discusses “Most Significant Verdict in Texas in the Last Decade”
Hamilton Wingo’s Chris Hamilton recently delivered a presentation for members of Dallas’ William “Mac” Taylor Inn of Court about winning a case the group describes as the “most significant verdict in Texas in the last decade.” The Mac Taylor Inn of Court is a member of the American Inns of Court, which is one of the nation’s largest groups dedicated to promoting the highest level of professionalism in the practice of law. In the program titled “How To, Whodunnit, and How to Avoid It,” Chris told attendees about his work leading to the $7.37 billion verdict in favor of Hamilton Wingo’s clients. The jury’s award was ranked as [...]
Hamilton Wingo’s Chris Hamilton recently delivered a presentation for members of Dallas’ William “Mac” Taylor Inn of Court about winning a case the group describes as the “most significant verdict in Texas in the last decade.”
The Mac Taylor Inn of Court is a member of the American Inns of Court, which is one of the nation’s largest groups dedicated to promoting the highest level of professionalism in the practice of law.
In the program titled “How To, Whodunnit, and How to Avoid It,” Chris told attendees about his work leading to the $7.37 billion verdict in favor of Hamilton Wingo’s clients. The jury’s award was ranked as the largest verdict in the nation during 2022, and the 4th largest personal injury verdict against a corporation in U.S. history.
Dallas attorney Jim Grau of the Grau Law Group, who was not an attorney in the case, provided his insights from a defense perspective.
“Although Jim handles defense cases, whereas Hamilton Wingo represents plaintiffs, we share the same goal of being honorable and professional when representing our clients,” says Chris. “I appreciate the opportunity to hopefully help other lawyers by sharing my experiences in this important case.”
Chris and Jim opened their presentation with how they begin preparing clients’ cases long before the trial. They also detailed the specific events that led to the historic verdict including a behind-the-scenes look at various case developments tied to court motions, depositions, voir dire, witness examinations, and the eventual verdict.
Chris represented the family of an Irving woman who was murdered by a repairman for a Fortune 100 company. The jury found the Fortune 100 company 90 percent responsible for the woman’s murder after hearing evidence that a proper background check was never conducted on the employee, and supervisors ignored his outbursts at work. Courtroom View Network labeled the jury’s award as the “Most Impressive Plaintiffs Verdict of 2022.”
Hamilton Wingo’s Chris Hamilton recently delivered a presentation for members of Dallas’ William “Mac” Taylor Inn of Court about winning a case the group describes as the “most significant verdict in Texas in the last decade.”
The Mac Taylor Inn of Court is a member of the American Inns of Court, which is one of the nation’s largest groups dedicated to promoting the highest level of professionalism in the practice of law.
In the program titled “How To, Whodunnit, and How to Avoid It,” Chris told attendees about his work leading to the $7.37 billion verdict in favor of Hamilton Wingo’s clients. The jury’s award was ranked as the largest verdict in the nation during 2022, and the 4th largest personal injury verdict against a corporation in U.S. history.
Dallas attorney Jim Grau of the Grau Law Group, who was not an attorney in the case, provided his insights from a defense perspective.
“Although Jim handles defense cases, whereas Hamilton Wingo represents plaintiffs, we share the same goal of being honorable and professional when representing our clients,” says Chris. “I appreciate the opportunity to hopefully help other lawyers by sharing my experiences in this important case.”
Chris and Jim opened their presentation with how they begin preparing clients’ cases long before the trial. They also detailed the specific events that led to the historic verdict including a behind-the-scenes look at various case developments tied to court motions, depositions, voir dire, witness examinations, and the eventual verdict.
Chris represented the family of an Irving woman who was murdered by a repairman for a Fortune 100 company. The jury found the Fortune 100 company 90 percent responsible for the woman’s murder after hearing evidence that a proper background check was never conducted on the employee, and supervisors ignored his outbursts at work. Courtroom View Network labeled the jury’s award as the “Most Impressive Plaintiffs Verdict of 2022.”